Wednesday, 23 March 2016

In love with him.but there's another girl in his life...her name is Daughter.

You've met a nice gentleman, you're interested in him but...
"Daddy, where are you?  Daddy, I need you".

I'm a children's person, so the amount of patience and sensitivity I have for such scenarios is on another level.

. But there are females who aren't sensitive towards this know...
"his family looks at me different because I didn't give him a child"
"I feel excluded"
"he's always choosing her over me, he doesn't see me"
"she doesn't like me".
Of course she doesn't like you.  I'm 20 and still possessive of my dad.  yeeeyi, I'll kill a girl over my dad.

 We could give all the advice in the world but it helps nothing if you as a female aren't willing to show sensitivity and understanding. Nothing drives me to the wall more than females who jump into a relationship knowing, then turn around and suddenly find faults.

 You knew he had an extra/additional blessing with him. And don't refer to his child as "baggage".

I don't understand men who let other women refer to their children as "baggage".
 I don't understand women who allow men to call their own children "baggage".
It just doesn't sound right.
You make it sound like your child is a burden and shouldn't be here. I
call it extra/additional blessing.

 Anyway, the point is, don't jump in if you aren't willing to come second in some circumstances, if not most.  Don't jump in if you want him to always have time, don't do it.

My half sister was born before my parents met, and we came after. I can't say I understand how it must have felt for my mother to accept the situation but what I can tell you is that she's a great example for me, on how to love unconditionally, if I ever found myself in the same situation. She loves our sister unconditionally and growing up we were never taught to yell out "half sister". She was our sister- end of story.  If you cannot handle a man with children or can't understand why he does some of the things he does then turn away and admire that man from far. Do not compete with his daughter! She's a girl, just like you, the last thing she needs growing up is a woman in her life who competes for her dad's attention, instead of being there for her. Don't compete or try to replace her mother, that's such a low blow. Don't try to act like her mother.  just do the best you can as a female.

Love isn't enough if there is no understanding involved between you and the dad .If you do decide to love this man with additional blessings then have understanding.

Don't rush to meet his child/children.
Don't take it personal if he doesn't want you to meet them yet.

Children are sensitive, remember things and are easily affected by what they see.

Don't force him, don't bring it up, he knows his child, he knows how to condition his baby into a new situation.

Relax, love him and be patient with him.

And to all those women who openly brag that they'd never be with a man who already has a child....Remember, fertility isn't promised.  Fertility isn't definite. You don't really know what's going on in your womb...

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